Book 2023
Book 2023:
Arts and Health – Österreich im internationalen Kontext
(Austria in the international context)
In comparison with other countries, the term Arts for Health is still unknown in Austria. Therefore, ARTS for HEALTH AUSTRIA has been commissioned by the BMKÖS with a work contract for the white book „Arts for Health in Austria“. The white book aims to continue the debate on the role of arts and culture in the context of health and well-being, which was initiated in December 2019 with the workshop „Arts for Health“ of the Department of Culture at the BMKÖS, and to lay the foundations for the integration of arts and culture into the public health system in Austria.
A team of authors presents the evidence base on the medical, sociological, economic and cultural policy levels, as well as different models for the integration of arts and culture in the public health systems in the United Kingdom, Finland, Denmark, Ireland and the Netherlands. On this basis, policy recommendations are developed within the framework of the political and institutional circumstances in Austria.
Published 26 January 2023.
1. Scientific Contextualization